
“There’s a difference between having everything you want and being satisfied.”
-From the Daily Spiritual Refreshment for Women Journal, published by Barbour Publishing, Inc. Used by permission.

taylor lavender

Helping our younger children to feel satisfied with a plate of spaghetti and green beans while the desert is staring them in the face can be a challenge. They don’t quite understand that if they just eat their meal they’ll get that yummy chocolate cupcake slathered with butter cream icing… they just can’t reason with that logic. They want it now, why do they have to wait? As mother trying to explain if they eat desert first, they may not be able to finish their supper… more reason to eat desert first.

Aren’t we grown ups kinda like that too? I know I can be… I have shared here in the past that instant gratification makes me happy… I also often talk about setting an example for our children. As mom and dad demonstrating that we can be satisfied with what the Lord has provided for us and the delight that we have in it will go a long way. As an adult when I think on all that I have, is satisfaction what is reflected to my children?

Building character in our children will not be easy if we appear to be discontented… we mothers have an incredible influence upon our little ones… When we can consistently show that we are happy, even when the toilet overflows because they put too much toilet paper in… again, they too will learn to look to Him for their joy and contentment.

Having everything we need will bring a satisfaction when we believe that He is that everything…
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you…” Mathew 6:33
Until next time,

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