Archive | July 29, 2013

The Dandelion…

This was one of my first blogs for Wren In The Willow… thought I would send it out again… enjoy friends.

Wren In The Willows

I was snuggled in on the couch with baby Aaron and a cup of coffee and I all of a sudden noticed something yellow on the lawn.  A dandelion.  I usually sigh in the Spring when these burst out everywhere, but this time it was rejuvenating and warm!  I was blessed with a splash of color in this colorless winter world.  What a difference ‘perspective’ makes! 

Speaking of perspective I am always harping on Neil & the boys for tracking in mud …. I know that probably shocks some of you, (LOL)!  Anyway, I was on the computer checking emails & making labels for this weekend and Neil brings me his devotional and says (with an innocent smile) ‘read this when you have time’.  So of course I stopped and read it.  It was on perspective!  A widow had recently remarried another farmer and was having  several other ‘farmer’s wives’…

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